I am trying to pass three variables in a sql query. These are region, feature, newUser. I am using SQL driver SQL Server Native Client 11.0.
Here is my code that works.
query = "SELECT LicenseNo FROM License_Mgmt_Reporting.dbo.MATLAB_NNU_OPTIONS WHERE Region = ?"
data_df = pd.read_sql_query((query),engine,params={region})
0 12
1 5
Instead i want to pass in three variables and this code does not work.
query = "SELECT LicenseNo FROM License_Mgmt_Reporting.dbo.MATLAB_NNU_OPTIONS WHERE Region = ? and FeatureName = ? and NewUser =?"
nnu_data_df = pd.read_sql_query((query),engine,params={region, feature, newUser})
Output returns an empty data frame.
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [LicenseNo]
Index: []