I write online webpage editor and I would like save current view/work on server, for restore in future. I also want do multiple tabs.
I know, that is editor.getSession()
and editor.setSession()
var editor = ace.edit("description");
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true
Now I try save session via jQuery $.data()
to element:
$('#tab1').data('sesi',editor.getSession()); //save session
editor.setSession($('#tab2').data('sesi')); //restore other session
But this code not working. When I try console.log(editor.session);
I see a lot of code in console.
I tried send session
to server via POST data, but in network console I see only code from editor and nothing more...
type: "POST",
url: "aaaaa.php",
cache: false,
timeout: 10000,
data: "session="+ editor.session
How to save session to variable or to server?
to save session to server you need to convert it to plain object which can be passed to json.Stringify. session="+ editor.session
in your example simply calls session.toString which is same as session.getValue
var filterHistory = function(deltas){
return deltas.filter(function (d) {
return d.group != "fold";
sessionToJSON = function(session) {
return {
selection: session.selection.toJSON(),
value: session.getValue(),
history: {
undo: session.$undoManager.$undoStack.map(filterHistory),
redo: session.$undoManager.$redoStack.map(filterHistory)
scrollTop: session.getScrollTop(),
scrollLeft: session.getScrollLeft(),
options: session.getOptions()
sessionFromJSON = function(data) {
var session = require("ace/ace").createEditSession(data.value);
session.$undoManager.$doc = session; // workaround for a bug in ace
session.$undoManager.$undoStack = data.history.undo;
session.$undoManager.$redoStack = data.history.redo;
return session;
now to get state of the session do
var session = editor.session
var sessionData = sessionToJSON(session)
type: "POST",
url: "aaaaa.php",
cache: false,
timeout: 10000,
data: JSON.stringify(sessionData)
and to restore it from the server
var session = sessionFromJSON(JSON.parse(ajaxResponse))