I am able to get the device android version using
Simillarly how I will get device name and version of app. I tried with following but no use
Using Adb
To get Device Name
adb.exe -s " +deviceID+ " shell getprop ro.product.model
To get Device OS Version
adb.exe -s " +deviceID+ " shell getprop ro.build.version.release
To get App Version
adb -s " +deviceID+ " shell dumpsys package yourPackageName | grep versionName
This will return you the device name and OS version as set in desired capabilities. If you want to get device information before creating driver or at run time (to check correct information of connected device) then you have to use the following to get device OS version. (adb for android and instruments for iOS)
For android -
adb -s " + deviceID + " shell getprop ro.build.version.release
For iOS -
instruments -s devices
Store the output from above command in String array and retrieve required information.
Use this: