
Azure B2C - Multiple Reply Url

2020-07-13 08:08发布


I created a Native Client App with Web/WebAPI in Azure B2C

I want to add multiple reply urls with the same domains for testing and qa etc.


https://site.domain.com https://site-qa.domain.com/

But got error: Cannot update Application: One of the reply URLs provided for application 'My App' is on a domain different from other reply URL(s). Plese make sure all reply URLs other than localhost are on the same root domain.

Also note: 'Plese' is miss-spelled


It seems to be an issue, I have created a request on the feedback portal. You can vote it and wait for the Development Team to fix it.

[Update]: As explained in the updated documentation about restrictions on redirect URIs, there is a quick workaround: first add the domain as a redirect URI and then add the sub-domains, like so:

  • https://example.com

  • https://client1.example.com

  • https://client2.example.com