I am trying to union 2 tables recipes
and posts
then add ->paginate(5)
to the queries.
But for some reason I get this error:
Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a
different number of columns (SQL: (select count(*) as aggregate from
$recipes = DB::table("recipes")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "description", "created_at")
->where("user_id", "=", $id);
$items = DB::table("posts")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "content", "created_at")
->where("user_id", "=", $id)
Am i doing something wrong?
Without ->paginate(5)
the query works fine.
You're right, pagination cause problem. Right now, you can create a view and query the view instead of the actual tables, or create your Paginator
$page = Input::get('page', 1);
$paginate = 5;
$recipes = DB::table("recipes")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "description", "created_at")
->where("user_id", "=", $id);
$items = DB::table("posts")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "content", "created_at")
->where("user_id", "=", $id)
$slice = array_slice($items->toArray(), $paginate * ($page - 1), $paginate);
$result = Paginator::make($slice, count($items), $paginate);
return View::make('yourView',compact('result'));
I faced this kind of issue already. I found a thread also not about pagination
but about unions
Please see this link : Sorting UNION queries with Laravel 4.1
@Mohamed Azher has shared a nice trick and it works on my issue.
$query = $query1->union($query2);
$querySql = $query->toSql();
$query = DB::table(DB::raw("($querySql order by foo desc) as a"))->mergeBindings($query);
This creates an sql like below:
select * from (
(select a as foo from foo)
(select b as foo from bar)
) as a order by foo desc;
And you can already utilize Laravel's paginate
same as usual like $query->paginate(5)
. (but you have to fork it a bit to fit to your problem)
order by
$page = Input::get('page', 1);
$paginate = 5;
$recipes = DB::table("recipes")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "description", "created_at")
->where("user_id", "=", $id);
$items = DB::table("posts")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "content", "created_at")
->where("user_id", "=", $id)
$slice = array_slice($items, $paginate * ($page - 1), $paginate);
$result = Paginator::make($slice, count($items), $paginate);
return View::make('yourView',compact('result'))->with( 'result', $result );
View page :
@foreach($result as $data)
{{ $data->your_column_name;}}
{{$result->links();}} //for pagination
its help to more peoples.. because nobody cant understand show data in
view page union with pagination and orderby .. thank u
I had this same problem, and unfortunately I couldn't get the page links with {{ $result->links() }}
, but I found another way to write the pagination part and the page links appears
Custom data pagination with Laravel 5
//Create a new Laravel collection from the array data
$collection = new Collection($searchResults);
//Define how many items we want to be visible in each page
$perPage = 5;
//Slice the collection to get the items to display in current page
$currentPageSearchResults = $collection->slice($currentPage * $perPage, $perPage)->all();
//Create our paginator and pass it to the view
$paginatedSearchResults= new LengthAwarePaginator($currentPageSearchResults, count($collection), $perPage);
return view('search', ['results' => $paginatedSearchResults]);
Reiterating jdme's answer with a more elegant method from Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder
$recipes = DB::table("recipes") ..
$items = DB::table("posts")->union($recipes) ..
$query = DB::query()
->fromSub($items, "some_query_name");
// Let's paginate!
I hope this helps!
I know this answer is too late. But I want to share my problems and my solution.
My problems:
- Join with many tables at the same time
- Paginate (Must use, because I have to use a common theme to show pagination. If I made own custom for pagination, it will not match to current. And in the future, a common theme may be changed.)
- Big data: view took 4 seconds, page load took 4 seconds => total is 8 seconds. (But if I set condition inside that view, it was least than 1 second for total.)
※This is the sample.
MariaDB, about 146,000 records.
, A.a_name
, B.organization_id
, B.organization_name
FROM customers A
LEFT JOIN organizations B ON (A.organization_id = B.organization_id)
, A.a_name
, B.organization_id
, B.organization_name
FROM employees A
LEFT JOIN organizations B ON (A.organization_id = B.organization_id)
Reference from www.tech-corgi.com (やり方2), I updated my PHP code to filter inside my query, and then call paginate normally.
I must add a condition (filter) before getting large records. In this example is organization_id.
$query = "
, A.a_name
, B.organization_id
, B.organization_name
FROM customers A
LEFT JOIN organizations B ON (A.organization_id = B.organization_id)
WHERE 1 = 1
AND B.organization_id = {ORGANIZATION_ID}
, A.a_name
, B.organization_id
, B.organization_name
FROM employees A
LEFT JOIN organizations B ON (A.organization_id = B.organization_id)
WHERE 1 = 1
AND B.organization_id = {ORGANIZATION_ID}
$organization_id = request()->organization_id;
$query = str_replace("{ORGANIZATION_ID}", $organization_id, $query);
But it still cannot be used in paginate(). There is a trick to solve this problem. See below.
Final code
Trick: put query inside ()
. For example: (SELECT * FROM TABLE_A)
Reason: paginage() will generate and run Count query SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM TABLE_A)
, if we did not put inside brackets, Count query would not be a correct query.
$query = "
( SELECT A.a_id
, A.a_name
, B.organization_id
, B.organization_name
FROM customers A
LEFT JOIN organizations B ON (A.organization_id = B.organization_id)
WHERE 1 = 1
AND B.organization_id = {ORGANIZATION_ID}
, A.a_name
, B.organization_id
, B.organization_name
FROM employees A
LEFT JOIN organizations B ON (A.organization_id = B.organization_id)
WHERE 1 = 1
AND B.organization_id = {ORGANIZATION_ID}
$organization_id = request()->organization_id;
$query = str_replace("{ORGANIZATION_ID}", $organization_id, $query);
$resultSet = DB::table(DB::raw($query))->paginate(20);
Now I can use it normally:
- paginate
- High performance: Filter data before getting
Hope it help!!!
The accepted answer works great for Query Builder.
But here's my approach for Laravel Eloquent Builder.
Assume that we're referring to same Model
$q1 = Model::createByMe(); // some condition
$q2 = Model::createByMyFriend(); // another condition
$querySql = $q2->toSql();
$query = Model::from(DB::raw("($querySql) as a"))->select('a.*')->addBinding($q2->getBindings());
$paginated_data = $query->paginate();
I'm using Laravel 5.6
Getting the total count for pagination is the problem here. This is the error I got when used $builder->paginate()
"SQLSTATE[21000]: Cardinality violation: 1222 The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns (SQL: (select count(*) as aggregate from `institute_category_places` where `status` = approved and (`category_id` in (3) or `name` LIKE %dancing class% or `description` LIKE %dancing class% or `address_line1` LIKE %dancing class% or `address_line2` LIKE %dancing class% or `city` LIKE %dancing class% or `province` LIKE %dancing class% or `country` LIKE %dancing class%) and `institute_category_places`.`deleted_at` is null) union (select * from `institute_category_places` where `status` = approved and (`category_id` in (3, 4) or `name` LIKE %dancing% or `description` LIKE %dancing% or `address_line1` LIKE %dancing% or `address_line2` LIKE %dancing% or `city` LIKE %dancing% or `province` LIKE %dancing% or `country` LIKE %dancing% or `name` LIKE %class% or `description` LIKE %class% or `address_line1` LIKE %class% or `address_line2` LIKE %class% or `city` LIKE %class% or `province` LIKE %class% or `country` LIKE %class%) and `institute_category_places`.`deleted_at` is null))"
If you want to paginate without total count you can use
$builder->limit($per_page)->offset($per_page * ($page - 1))->get();
to get only set of rows in the page.
Getting all the rows and counting total is memory inefficient. So I used following approach to get total count.
$bindings = $query_builder->getBindings();
$sql = $query_builder->toSql();
foreach ($bindings as $binding) {
$value = is_numeric($binding) ? $binding : "'" . $binding . "'";
$sql = preg_replace('/\?/', $value, $sql, 1);
$sql = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $sql);
$total = DB::select(DB::raw("select count(*) as total_count from ($sql) as count_table"));
Then we have to paginate the result manually.
$page = Input::get('page', 1);
$per_page = 15;
$search_results = $query_builder->limit($per_page)->offset($per_page * ($page - 1))->get();
$result = new LengthAwarePaginator($search_results, $total[0]->total_count, $per_page, $page, ['path' => $request->url()]);
If you can use raw sql queries, it is much more CPU and memory efficient.
$page = Input::get('page', 1);
$paginate = 5;
$recipes = DB::table("recipes")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "description", "created_at")
->where("user_id", "=", $id);
$items = DB::table("posts")->select("id", "title", "user_id", "content", "created_at") ->where("user_id", "=", $id)->union($recipes)->get()->toArray();
$slice = array_slice($items, $paginate * ($page - 1), $paginate);
$result = new Paginator($slice , $paginate);