I am using Swaschbuckle for my .NET Swagger Web API Service.
I have looked at the sample from http://petstore.swagger.io/#/pet and there ist the Action findByTags which is crossed out.
I want to cross out an action in my api service, but when i am using the obsolete attribute the action isn't visible.
Any idea how to handle this issue?
I had the same problem with my WebApi project, but after updating Swashbuckle.Core nuget package to version 5.6.0 it started to work.
I have a SwaggerConfig class that looks like this:
public static class SwaggerConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration configuration)
static void Configure(SwaggerDocsConfig config)
config.SingleApiVersion("V1", "MichalBialecki.com.Swagger.Example");
static void ConfigureUi(SwaggerUiConfig config)
You also need to register it in Startup.cs:
And with method in ApiController like this:
[Obsolete("This method is obsolete, please use /accounts/{accountId}")]
public AccountDTO GetPersonalAccount(int accountId)
I can see in Swagger, that it is stroked out: