I have a table with cells that the user may swipe to mark them "completed". I am trying to make this accessible using VoiceOver by implementing the accessbilityScroll method.
This works fine, but I can't figure out what cell has focus when the user scrolls.
I only find information on how to change focus.
Hehe, Ok. I just figured it out.
There is a protocol for this. Its called UIAccessibilityFocus
Method: accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused:
Well, I will leave this question here to any one else that is out there struggling with this.
Your program can also tell where VoiceOver’s “focus” (the object that it’s dealing with) is, and when “focus” enters or leaves any given object.
For Focus Information click here
– accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused
– accessibilityElementDidLoseFocus
– accessibilityElementIsFocused
As of iOS9, you can use