I want to plot the estimated hazard ratio as a function of time in the case of a coxph
model with a time-dependent coefficient that is based on a spline term. I created the time-dependent coefficient using function tt
, analogous to this example that comes straight from ?coxph
# Fit a time transform model using current age
cox = coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ph.ecog + tt(age), data=lung,
tt=function(x,t,...) pspline(x + t/365.25))
Calling survfit(cox)
results in an error that survfit
does not understand models with a tt
term (as described in 2011 by Terry Therneau).
You can extract the linear predictor using cox$linear.predictors
, but I would need to somehow extract ages and less trivially, times to go with each. Because tt
splits the dataset on event times, I can't just match up the columns of the input dataframe with the coxph
output. Additionally, I really would like to plot the estimated function itself, not just the predictions for the observed data points.
There is a related question involving splines here, but it does not involve tt
Edit (7/7)
I'm still stuck on this. I've been looking in depth at this object:
spline.obj = pspline(lung$age)
# something that looks very useful, but I am not sure what it is
# cbase appears to be the cardinal knots
attr(spline.obj, "printfun")
function (coef, var, var2, df, history, cbase = c(43.3, 47.6,
51.9, 56.2, 60.5, 64.8, 69.1, 73.4, 77.7, 82, 86.3, 90.6))
test1 <- coxph.wtest(var, coef)$test
xmat <- cbind(1, cbase)
xsig <- coxph.wtest(var, xmat)$solve
cmat <- coxph.wtest(t(xmat) %*% xsig, t(xsig))$solve[2, ]
linear <- sum(cmat * coef)
lvar1 <- c(cmat %*% var %*% cmat)
lvar2 <- c(cmat %*% var2 %*% cmat)
test2 <- linear^2/lvar1
cmat <- rbind(c(linear, sqrt(lvar1), sqrt(lvar2), test2,
1, 1 - pchisq(test2, 1)), c(NA, NA, NA, test1 - test2,
df - 1, 1 - pchisq(test1 - test2, max(0.5, df - 1))))
dimnames(cmat) <- list(c("linear", "nonlin"), NULL)
nn <- nrow(history$thetas)
if (length(nn))
theta <- history$thetas[nn, 1]
else theta <- history$theta
list(coef = cmat, history = paste("Theta=", format(theta)))
So, I have the knots, but I am still not sure how to combine the coxph
coefficients with the knots in order to actually plot the function. Any leads much appreciated.