I'm trying to pass though APDUs command via HID OMNIKEY 5427 CK to operate MIFARE Card ie. Ultralight C card, on the Windows 10 x64 OS environment using WinSCard.dll. (I'm under NXP NDA and have full access t their documents)
I tried to find information online for days now. Seem like no published document for this model except the 2pages brochure.
The simple command like GetUID (FFCA000000) is OK, I can get back the actual card UID.
But for 'Authentication with Card', reference document from HID 5421 model said I should start with OpenGenericSession (FFA0000703010001), I tried that and reader always replied with 6D00h (error)
I tried send Authentication command directly '1Ah+00h' (FFA00005080100F30000641A0000) the reader also always replied with error code.
I've experience with HID 5421 model and it quite straight forward, not sure why this 5427 is unlike its sibling.
And yes, I contacted HID support. No luck. No useful information I could get from them.
If any one have idea or have 5427 software development guide please help. I'm pulling my hair for almost a week by now.
Below is a proof-of-concept java code to communicate with Ultralight-C over Generic Session using Omnikey 5321/6321:
private static final byte AF = (byte)0xAF;
protected static final byte[] PREFIX = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00, (byte) 0xF3, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64 };
protected final CardChannel channel;
protected void openGenericSession() throws CardException {
System.out.println("OPEN GENERIC SESSION");
transmitAssert9000(new CommandAPDU(0xFF, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x07, new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00, 0x01}));
protected byte[] transmitRaw(byte[] data) throws CardException {
System.out.println(" => " + toHex(data));
byte[] ret = transmitAssert9000(new CommandAPDU(0xFF, 0xA0, 0x00, 0x05, ArrayUtils.addAll(PREFIX, data), 256));
if(ret.length<2) {
throw new RuntimeException();
if((ret[0]==0x00)&&(ret[1]==0x00)) {
// Success
ret = Arrays.copyOfRange(ret, 2, ret.length);
System.out.println(" <= " + toHex(ret));
return ret;
if((ret[0]==0x08)&&(ret[1]==0x04)&&(ret.length==3)) {
switch(ret[2]) {
case 0x0A:
System.out.println(" <= ACK");
return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
// Buyer beware: very simplified
System.out.println(" <= NAK");
throw new RuntimeException("NAK");
ret = Arrays.copyOfRange(ret, 2, ret.length);
System.out.println(" <= " + toHex(ret));
return ret;
protected static byte[] assert9000(ResponseAPDU transmit) {
if(transmit.getSW()!=0x9000) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected response code");
return transmit.getData();
protected byte[] transmitAssert9000(CommandAPDU commandAPDU) throws CardException {
return assert9000(transmit(commandAPDU));
protected ResponseAPDU transmit(CommandAPDU commandAPDU) throws CardException {
System.out.println(" -> " + toHex(commandAPDU.getBytes()));
ResponseAPDU responseAPDU = channel.transmit(commandAPDU);
System.out.println(" <- " + toHex(responseAPDU.getBytes()));
return responseAPDU;
public byte[] read(int offset) throws CardException {
return transmitRaw(new byte[] {0x30, (byte)offset});
Note 1: this code uses javax.smartcardio and Apache Commons Lang.
Note 2: It has been some time I wrote this code, please validate my thoughts...
Note 3: For Ultralight-C authentication code see this companion answer.
Generic session example trace for Omnikey 6321 with Ultralight-C (single line arrows denote Generic Session APDUs and double line arrows denote Ultralight-C commands):
-> FFA0000703010001
<- 9000
=> 1A00
-> FFA00005080100F30000641A0000
<- 0000AF4BDA4E34B5D04A019000
<= AF4BDA4E34B5D04A01
=> AF6F18402E0F0E5357D854833B149FBB56
-> FFA00005170100F3000064AF6F18402E0F0E5357D854833B149FBB5600
<- 000000F0F667CCF0E140419000
<= 00F0F667CCF0E14041
=> 3003
-> FFA00005080100F3000064300300
<- 0000000000000000000000000000000000009000
<= 00000000000000000000000000000000
-> FFA0000703010002
<- 9000
Some additional notes:
(AFAIK) This approach works under Windows (with Omnikey drivers). It does not work under linux (even with Omnikey drivers).
Note that PC/SC version 2.02 Part 3 defines MANAGE SESSION
commands which provide the same in a standardized way (your reader might support it instead of proprietary generic session mechanism -- HID even participated on this document).
Good luck!