I have a horizontal UIScrollview set up (meaning its not one that scrolls up and down but one that only scrolls left-right) and upon the app launching, I want this scrollview to scroll itself left, then right - kind of "demonstrating" its ability to scroll - and finally then stop, letting the user then take over and control the scroll manually with their finger. Everything works - except for this on-load left-right demo-scrolling.
I'm not using Interface Builder for any of this, I'm doing everything with code:
//(this is in viewDidLoad:)
// Create the scrollView:
UIScrollView *photosScroll = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 200)];
[photosScroll setContentSize: CGSizeMake(1240, 200)];
// Add it as a subview to the mainView
[mainView addSubview:photosScroll];
// Set the photoScroll's delegate:
photosScroll.delegate = self;
// Create a frame to which to scroll:
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(10, 10, 80, 150);
// Scroll to that frame:
[photosScroll scrollRectToVisible: frame animated:YES];
So the scrollView loads successfully and I'm able to scroll it left and right with my finger - but it doesn't do this "auto-scroll" like I was hoping it would.
- I tried calling the scrollRectToVisible before and after adding the scrollView as a subview - didn't work.
- Thinking maybe this should happen in loadView and not in viewDidLoad? But if so, how?
Any ideas?