Multiple dex files define Lcom/amazon/ags/BuildCon

2020-07-11 08:03发布


I recently imported my Android project from Eclipse into AndroidStudio. Everything went fairly well, and I was able to resolve most issues, except when it came down to the GameCircleSDK library module. I kept getting the following error:

UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: Multiple dex files define Lcom/amazon/ags/BuildConfig;

As it turns out, the was indeed contained in two jars: classes.jar (which got generated during the build) and GameCircleSDK/libs/gamecirclesdk.jar.

The only way I could solve the issue was to unzip the gamecirclesdk.jar, remove the BuildConfig.class, and zip it back up again. I searched the internets for a solution, and I tried just about everything listed here, but nothing seemed to resolve my situation. Am I missing something?


The problem is that GameCricleSDK.jar contains BuildConfig file with package name "" and the whole module is also generating BuildConfig file with the same package name as declared in Manifest. I changed the package name in module Manifest file and problem went away.

SOLUTION: Take the GameCircleSDK library, open it's AndroidManifest.xml and change the packageName from "" to sth else no matter what. I changed it to "".


I ran into the same problem using a different library project though(WeiboSDK). You may also need to change the applicationId in the library's build.gradle file to the same value in the library's AndroidManifest.xml.