Regarding ember-data and subclassing DS.RESTAdapter to override buildURL
I have two endpoints. Lets say they are:
Replace "user-id" with the actual user id.
So I have two models:
App.User = DS.Model.extend
images: DS.hasMany 'image',
async: true
inverse: 'user'
App.Image = DS.Model.extend
user: DS.belongsTo 'user',
async: true
inverse: 'images'
However, the payload from /users/user-id
endpoints do not return the image ids. I do not have control over this (it's a third party api).
Therefore I need to make a separate request to /users/user-id/images. I'm subclassing DS.RESTAdapter in order to specify the url:
App.ImageAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend
buildURL: (type, id) ->
# need to return "/users/user-id/images"
# but need to get the value of user-id somehow
From the route, how would I even go about passing in the user id to the store so that it can call the buildURL
method in the custom adapter with the user id?
App.UserRoute = Em.Route.extend
afterModel: (model) ->
# how to provide value of `model.get 'id'` to store/adapter/buildURL?
# do I even do that here?
promise = @get('store').find 'image'
@controllerFor('images').set 'model', promise
I guess I can provide a hash to find
and skip buildURL
altogether. But findQuery
is a private method. Is there a more preferred way to do this?
App.UserRoute = Em.Route.extend
afterModel: (model) ->
promise = @get('store').find 'image', userId: model.get 'id'
@controllerFor('images').set 'model', promise
App.ImageAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend
findQuery: (store, type, query) ->
imagesURL = "#{@host}/users/#{query.userId}/images"
delete query.userId
@ajax(imageURL, 'GET', { data: query });