I feel stupid asking this question, but I can not find a clear answer anywhere (or much of an answer at all) so I feel I must ask. Is there anyone out there who can explain clearly how the parallaxRatio of CCParallaxNode works?
I have checked the source of CCParallaxNode and it does not explain it at all. I have searched the internet and stackOverflow extensively. I have tried to do good old trial and error. I'm still confused.
[parallaxLayer addChild:backgroundEffect_subtleRed z:100 parallaxRatio:ccp(0.5, 0.5) positionOffset:backgroundEffect_subtleRed.position];
In this piece of code I am trying to add a particle emitter to a parallaxLayer and have it move somewhat like you would expect an object on a parallax layer to move. Unfortunately I do not see the particles at all. I have had this problem anytime I try to add anything to a parallaxNode when I want it to move. I have been using CCParallaxNode to create static UI layers, but have not been able to use them for what they were built to do.
In summary:
parallaxRatio takes a CGPoint. What do the floats in the CGPoint apply to? Are they ratios of x and y in relation to the window? Are they (parallaxLayerMovementInRelationTo, parentNode)? A working piece of example code would be very helpful.
Thank you.