Our program creates a background thread at the beginning of the program. The background thread does some database integrity checks and checks for stuff in the Internet using Indy. After 10 seconds, the background thread should be finished and since FreeOnTerminate is true, it will also clean itself up.
We have noticed that in some cases, if the user closes the program too quickly, the process will still be alive until the background thread is finished.
Since we couldn't exactly reproduce the issue, I have created a demo project to try a few things:
TBackgroundThread = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
{ TForm1 }
bt: TBackgroundThread;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
// Create a background thread which runs X seconds and then terminates itself.
bt := TBackgroundThread.Create(false);
bt.FreeOnTerminate := true;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
// The user closes the app while the background thread is still active
{ TBackgroundThread }
procedure TBackgroundThread.Execute;
i: integer;
x: cardinal;
// Simulate some work that the background thread does
x := MaxInt;
for i := 0 to MaxInt do
x := Random(x);
The result is a bit surprising to me: After I close the MainForm, the process will be immediately terminated and the background thread will get hard-killed.
Now I have a few questions about this:
After the closing of the MainForm (= exit of the main thread), should I manually terminate all created threads via .Terminate or will that be done automatically?
Shall my threads only check for Self.Terminated or should they also check for Application.Terminated ?
Why does my busy thread as shown above gets immediately killed when I close the application? I expected that the process Project1.exe will run until all threads have finished by themselfes. (And as described above, we had seen an application where the main form is closed, but a thread is preventing the process of being closed).
How is it possible then, that our real application's process does not terminate because of a running background thread? Might it have something to do with the Internet stuff, which might cause the app to wait until a connection timeout is reached?