I'm trying to resize/scale an image using Raphael.js's built in drag method, but I'm getting some weird behavior.
Here is the jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/charleshimmer/5pdyy/1/
Use the right or bottom right corner to resize the image. You will see some weird behavior with it jumping and skipping using the scale method. Anybody have any idea why?
I can get it to resize smoothing by updating the image's width and height, but then the aspect ratio is off. Using image.scale
, the aspect ratio is maintained, but then it jumps all over the place.
<title>Photo Test</title>
<div id="editor"></div>
<img id="image"
border: 1px solid red;
border-radius: 45px;
var Editor = {},
ctFactor = 7;
// create Raphael canvas
Editor.paper = Raphael('editor', 582, 514.8);
// wait for image to load
Editor.image = Editor.paper.image("http://www.pyrblu.com/assets/launchpad_resources/demo.jpg", 25, 25, 282, 465.2);
Editor.image.drag(Editor.dragging, Editor.dragStart, Editor.dragEnd);
Editor.image.ready = true;
Editor.image.mousemove(function (e) {
// only do this if the user isn't currently moving / resizing image
if( ! this.ready){
var side = Editor.sideDection(e, this);
// if the user's mouse is along the edge we want resize
Editor.image.state = 'resizable';
// else it's towards the middle and we want to move
Editor.image.state = 'movable';
var cursor = (side) ? side + '-resize' : 'move';
this.attr('cursor', cursor);
Editor.sideDection = function(event, ct){
// check north side
var directions = {
n: Math.abs(event.offsetY - ct.attr('y')) <= ctFactor,
s: Math.abs(event.offsetY - (ct.attr('height') + ct.attr('y'))) <= ctFactor,
e: Math.abs(event.offsetX - (ct.attr('width') + ct.attr('x'))) <= ctFactor,
w: Math.abs(event.offsetX - ct.attr('x')) <= ctFactor
side = '';
// loop through all 4 sides and concate the ones that are true
for(var key in directions) {
side = side + key;
return side;
Editor.dragStart = function () {
console.log('at start');
// grab original x, y coords
this.ox = this.attr("x");
this.oy = this.attr("y");
// toggle user is doing something
// so other actions are blocked
this.ready = false;
this.animate({opacity: .65}, 500, ">");
Editor.dragging = function (dx, dy, x, y, e) {
console.log('at dragging');
if(this.state === 'movable'){
// this does the actual moving of the object
this.attr({x: this.ox + dx, y: this.oy + dy});
// we are resizing then
var diff = (x - this.ox) - this.attr('width'),
xratio = 1 + diff / this.attr('width'),
yratio = 1 + diff / this.attr('height');
console.log('diff: ', diff, 'xratio: ', xratio, 'yratio: ', yratio);
//resize image, update both height and width to keep aspect ratio
// this.attr({
// 'width': this.attr('width') * xratio,
// 'height': this.attr('height') * yratio
// });
this.scale(xratio, xratio, 0, 0);
//console.log('h: ', this.attr('height'), 'w: ', this.attr('width'), 'r', this.attr('width') / this.attr('height'));
Editor.dragEnd = function () {
this.ready = true;
this.animate({opacity: 1}, 500, ">");