
TinyMCE Toolbar Missing After Plone 4.3 Upgrade

2020-07-10 12:09发布


I upgrade a Plone site from 4.2 to 4.3. The upgrade steps are basically:

  1. running install.sh to have a 4.3 environment

  2. copy Data.fs to var/filestorage and custom dexterity package to src

  3. running upgrade in ZMI

Everything seems fine. But when I add/edit Page items, TinyMCE toolbar is missing for the body field. Only showing a Text Format dropdown. Note: I do see the toolbar trying to render (first 2 icons appear), but fail and disappear.

What am I missing? Any hints?


No definitive answers, but a few suggestions. I have 9 plone sites all running the same version of Plone (4.2) and have some where TinyMCE works flawlessly, and others where I can't make it work at all.

  • Check /portal_javascripts and make sure that you have ++resource++plone.app.jquery.js (I think you also need jquery-integration.js and ++resource++plone.app.jquerytools.js, but I may be wrong about those), as well as tiny_mce.js and tiny_mce_init.js).
  • check /portal_kss and ensure you have ++resource++tinymce.kss/tinymce.kss
  • check /portal_css for ++resource++tinymce.stylesheets/tinymce.css

I saw your edit about the toolbar beginning to display after I posted this response. You really need to use the development tools for your browser-of-choice (e.g. Firebug) and look at the console. If it starts to display and then fails to finish, there's sure to be an error in the console log.


Check to see whether you have outstanding upgrades to the Products.TinyMCE:TinyMCE profile in Upgrades in portal_setup via the ZMI. If there are any, run them and restart your Plone instance.

I had the same issue with the same version upgrades and there were outstanding upgrades. They must have been missed somehow, presumably a bug in the Plone upgrade process from 4.2.5 to 4.3.4.


FWIW, I just ran into this issue in an upgrade from 4.1 to 4.3.14.

In my case, the problem was that the site uses the Plone Classic skin instead of Sunburst. The Classic skin for some reason did not have the tinymce layer registered. The giveaway was that jquery.tinymce.js was registered in portal_javascripts, but marked in orange as (resource not found or not accessible). I grepped the buildout eggs and realized that jquery.tinymce.js lives in a skin layer of Products.TinyMCE-1.3.26. From there it was easy to figure out why it was not found.

标签: plone