Is there any standard way to use Scala.js application as a libriary in CommonJS environment? And if not, can I patch generated js file for that purpose?
Scala.js 0.6.13 and onward
Put this in your build file:
scalaJSModuleKind := ModuleKind.CommonJSModule
Scala.js 0.6.5 to 0.6.12
Put this in your build file (explanation see below):
scalaJSOutputWrapper := ("var __ScalaJSEnv = { exportsNamespace: exports };", "")
Scala.js 0.5.4 to 0.6.4
You can tell Scala.js where to send the stuff it exports. To make a CommonJS module, simply prepend this:
var __ScalaJSEnv = {
exportsNamespace: exports
to the .js
file produced by fastOptJS
Pre Scala.js 0.5.4
Please upgrade :)