Testing Android Room with LiveData, Coroutines and

2020-07-10 10:52发布


I want to test my database layer and I have caught myself in a catch-22 type of a situation.

The test case consists of two things:

  • Save some entities
  • Load the entities and assert the database mapping works as expected

The problem, in short, is that:

  • Insert is a suspend method, which means it needs to be run in runBlocking{}
  • Query returns a LiveData of the result, which is also asynchronous. Therefore it needs to be observed. There's this SO question that explains how to do that.
  • In order to observe the LiveData according to the above link, however, I must use the InstantTaskExecutorRule. (Otherwise I get java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot invoke observeForever on a background thread.)
  • This works for most of the cases, but it does not work with @Transaction-annotated DAO methods. The test never finishes. I think it's deadlocked on waiting for some transaction thread.
  • Removing the InstantTaskExecutorRule lets the Transaction-Insert method finish, but then I am not able to assert its results, because I need the rule to be able to observe the data.

Detailed description

My Dao class looks like this:

interface GameDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM game")
    fun getAll(): LiveData<List<Game>>

    suspend fun insert(game: Game): Long

    suspend fun insertRound(round: RoundRoom)

    suspend fun insertGameAndRounds(game: Game, rounds: List<RoundRoom>) {
        val gameId = insert(game)
        rounds.onEach {
            it.gameId = gameId

        rounds.forEach {

The test case is:

class RoomTest {
    private lateinit var gameDao: GameDao
    private lateinit var db: AppDatabase

    val instantTaskExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()

    fun createDb() {
        val context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext<Context>()
        db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(
            context, AppDatabase::class.java
        gameDao = db.gameDao()

    fun storeAndReadGame() {
        val game = Game(...)

        runBlocking {

        val allGames = gameDao.getAll()

        // the .getValueBlocking cannot be run on the background thread - needs the InstantTaskExecutorRule
        val result = allGames.getValueBlocking() ?: throw InvalidObjectException("null returned as games")

        // some assertions about the result here

    fun storeAndReadGameLinkedWithRound() {
        val game = Game(...)

        val rounds = listOf(

        runBlocking {
            // This is where the execution freezes when InstantTaskExecutorRule is used
            gameDao.insertGameAndRounds(game, rounds)

        // retrieve the data, assert on it, etc

The getValueBlocking is an extension function for LiveData, pretty much copypasted from the link above

fun <T> LiveData<T>.getValueBlocking(): T? {
    var value: T? = null
    val latch = CountDownLatch(1)

    val observer = Observer<T> { t ->
        value = t


    latch.await(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
    return value

What's the proper way to test this scenario? I need these types of tests while developing the database mapping layer to make sure everything works as I expect.


The problem is with the thing that transactions itself use runBlocking somewhere inside and that cause deadlock. I have changed InstantTaskExecutorRule to this class:

class IsMainExecutorRule : TestWatcher() {

    val defaultExecutor = DefaultTaskExecutor()

    override fun starting(description: Description?) {
        ArchTaskExecutor.getInstance().setDelegate(object : TaskExecutor() {
            override fun executeOnDiskIO(runnable: Runnable) {

            override fun postToMainThread(runnable: Runnable) {

            override fun isMainThread(): Boolean {
                return true

    override fun finished(description: Description?) {

Then in code it will be:

val liveDataRule = IsMainExecutorRule()

It will not cause deadlocks but still allow to observe livedatas.


There is now a solution to this issue, explained in this answer.

The fix is adding a single line to the Room in-memory database builder:

db = Room
    .inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(context, AppDatabase::class.java)
    .setTransactionExecutor(Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()) // <-- this makes all the difference

With the single thread executor the tests are working as expected.