There is a way to add a member-function or member-property to Number, String, ect...-Variables with the help of the prototype-property:
Number.prototype.member = function(){ console.log('number-member-function called'); };
or with help of the proto-property of the variables themselves:
var num = 7;
num.__proto__.member = function(){ console.log('number-member-function called'); };
Just like to any other kind of JavaScript-types. But what is the difference of the implementation of Primtives and Objects in JavaScript so that the code below does not work for Numbers but for Objects?
var num = 7;
num.member = function(){ console.log('number-member-function called'); };
num.member(); // TypeError: num.member is not a function
var obj = {};
obj.member = function(){ console.log('object-member-function called'); };
obj.member(); // object-member-function called
Does anybody know approximatly how JavaScript Primitves and Objects are implemented under the hood? Because all JavaScript-implementations in all browsers must be done identically or almost for there is an error thrown with the Number-Function called member.