It looks like the onCreateContextMenu insn't being called at all. In my onCreate for my ListActivity I have:
list = getListView();
(I know it's redundant, and I've just passed getListView() with the same results).
Here is my onCreateOntextMenu;
public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, v, menuInfo);
Log.d("LM", "onCreateContextMenu");
MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
inflater.inflate(, menu);
The log never gets generated. Doesn't anyone have any suggestions?
My thought is ListView intercepting the event and not going into contextMenu behaviour. It make sense to me because the OnItemLongClickListener behaviour overlaps contextMenu's. If not how it can recognize between contextMenu and OnItemLongClickListener?
My problem was very closely related to lulumeya's answer, which pointed me in the right direction. I've done context menus many times before and somehow never ran into this until now.
I was calling View.setOnClickListener(listener)
in Adapter.getView(...)
when it should be ListView.setOnItemClickListener(listener)
to avoid conflicting with the context menu.
In general, I'm sure OnItemClickListener is more optimized, especially since only one listener instance is used instead of creating a new instance every time a view is created or recycled.
Try to locate registerForContextMenu(list); as ur last method to call in the onCreate method.
I mean this method shoul be called after the list adapter is called not before.
Just remove youwidget.setonLongclicklistener
and yourwidget.setLongClickable
And then add registerforContextmenu(yourwidget)
in onCreate()
then add code according to the widget used.
Hope It will be helpful.
I had that problem and could only resolve it by ensuring
- that because the resp. Activity registered the Views, the same Activity must then also override onCreateContextMenu(); doing this in a Fragment will not work
- since I used an additional Fragment creating the Adapter (and registering with it) the Fragment not the Activity must override onContextItemSelected().
I'm considering abandoning long press popup in favor of a Youtube-style button at the right margin of the cards popping up a menu that does not fade everything else to background---what's the search term for that btw?
You have to call registerForContextMenu(View view)
method in onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)