How to split a Blob along channels in Caffe

2020-07-10 08:56发布


I would like to split the Blob channels in Caffe, so that I can split one Blob of (N, c, w, h) into two output Blobs of size (N, c/2, w, h).

What I have described above is very general, what I want to do actually is to separate a two-channel input image into two different images. One goes to a convolutional layer and the other goes to a pooling layer. Finally, I concatenate the outputs.

So I am wondering if a Caffe layer that allows the user to do such thing exists, and how to define it in the prototxt file.


Yes, the Slice layer is for that purpose. From the Layer Catalogue:

The Slice layer is a utility layer that slices an input layer to multiple output layers along a given dimension (currently num or channel only) with given slice indices.

To slice a Blob of size N x 2 x H x W into two Blobs of size N x 1 x H x W, you have to slice axis: 1 (along channels) at slice_point: 1 (after the first channel):

layer {
  name: "slice-conv-pool"
  type: "Slice"
  bottom: "data"
  top: "conv1"
  top: "pool1"
  slice_param {
    axis: 1
    slice_point: 1