iOS8 and Xcode - How to distribute an embedded fra

2020-07-10 08:10发布


I need to create a compiled framework for distribution to third parties.

I am using cocoa-pods to handle my dependencies.

In order to accomplish this, it would seem that that creating a dynamic linked framework is the best option, but I am not sure and open to suggestions.

The steps I took are:

  1. I created a wrapper project to contain the framework target
  2. Inside the wrapper project I added a new target "Cocoa touch framework" - "MyFramework"
  3. All of the relevant code is added to the target
  4. Added import statements to the .h file of the framework per the generated comment // In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import
  5. Created a podfile - "pod init"
  6. Added the framework dependencies to the podfile

The podfile looks like:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '6.0'

target 'Wrapper' do


target 'InnerFramework' do
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "AFNetworking", "~> 2.0"

I need to distribute the framework using the "InnerFramework" target.

This is where I get stuck -

The framework needs to contain all of the pod dependencies as well as be able to run in a simulator and on an actual device (From the customer perspective)- The framework also needs to be compliant with app store submission rules , i.e. arm 64bit etc.

The end user can have no access to the original source code - so I can't expect them to recompile.

The end user may also be using AFNetworking , and it may be a different version , i.e. "1.0"

When I tried to integrate the framework to a test project I got runtime exceptions as well as compile time errors (depending on the flags I set in the build rules).

I've tried to copy the framework into a test project

Then in "Build phases" I added "Copy files" and add "Inner framework" with check box next to "Code sign on copy"

I get error "Could not build module 'InnerFramework'"

if I import the framework header to the test project code

If I don't import the framework header I get a runtime crash