How can I convert a csv into a dictionary using pandas? For example I have 2 columns, and would like column1 to be the key and column2 to be the value. My data looks like this:
cols = ['name', 'position']
df = pd.read_csv(filename, names = cols)
Convert the columns to a list, then zip and convert to a dict:
In [37]:
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1':['first','second','third'], 'col2':np.random.rand(3)})
dict(zip(list(df.col1), list(df.col2)))
col1 col2
0 first 0.278247
1 second 0.459753
2 third 0.151873
[3 rows x 2 columns]
{'third': 0.15187291615699894,
'first': 0.27824681093923298,
'second': 0.4597530377539677}
Since the 1st line of your sample csv-data is a "header",
you may read it as pd.Series
with this one-liner:
>>> pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=0, squeeze=True).to_dict()
{'UCLA': 73, 'SUNY': 36}
If you want to include also the 1st line, remove the header
keyword (or set it to None