I can't find a clear answer to this question anywhere. I'm looking for the easiest way to seamlessly loop a .wav file automatically on document load in chrome. It seems that the webaudio api is the best practice, but I can't find simple documentation. Support for safari and others would be great too but not as important.
I have looked at the w3.org example but it didn't help
I think this is the closest to what I want besides the on.click for the buttons: https://forestmist.org/blog/web-audio-api-loops/
here i implemented the forestmist for my own audio which works perfectly in safari but stops in chrome: http://infinitelimitations.us/mess-motion/web-audio-api-loops-demo/index.html
Here's the source code for that page:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Web Audio API Loops Demo</title>
<button id="button-loop-1" type="button" value="1">Loop 1</button>
// Audio Object
var audio = {
buffer: {},
compatibility: {},
files: [
proceed: true,
source_loop: {},
// Audio Functions
audio.findSync = function(n) {
var first = 0,
current = 0,
offset = 0;
// Find the audio source with the earliest startTime to sync all others to
for (var i in audio.source_loop) {
current = audio.source_loop[i]._startTime;
if (current > 0) {
if (current < first || first === 0) {
first = current;
if (audio.context.currentTime > first) {
offset = (audio.context.currentTime - first) % audio.buffer[n].duration;
return offset;
audio.play = function(n) {
if (audio.source_loop[n]._playing) {
} else {
audio.source_loop[n] = audio.context.createBufferSource();
audio.source_loop[n].buffer = audio.buffer[n];
audio.source_loop[n].loop = true;
var offset = audio.findSync(n);
audio.source_loop[n]._startTime = audio.context.currentTime;
if (audio.compatibility.start === 'noteOn') {
The depreciated noteOn() function does not support offsets.
Compensate by using noteGrainOn() with an offset to play once and then schedule a noteOn() call to loop after that.
audio.source_once[n] = audio.context.createBufferSource();
audio.source_once[n].buffer = audio.buffer[n];
audio.source_once[n].noteGrainOn(0, offset, audio.buffer[n].duration - offset); // currentTime, offset, duration
Note about the third parameter of noteGrainOn().
If your sound is 10 seconds long, your offset 5 and duration 5 then you'll get what you expect.
If your sound is 10 seconds long, your offset 5 and duration 10 then the sound will play from the start instead of the offset.
// Now queue up our looping sound to start immediatly after the source_once audio plays.
audio.source_loop[n][audio.compatibility.start](audio.context.currentTime + (audio.buffer[n].duration - offset));
} else {
audio.source_loop[n][audio.compatibility.start](0, offset);
audio.source_loop[n]._playing = true;
audio.stop = function(n) {
if (audio.source_loop[n]._playing) {
audio.source_loop[n]._playing = false;
audio.source_loop[n]._startTime = 0;
if (audio.compatibility.start === 'noteOn') {
// Check Web Audio API Support
try {
// More info at http://caniuse.com/#feat=audio-api
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
audio.context = new window.AudioContext();
} catch(e) {
audio.proceed = false;
alert('Web Audio API not supported in this browser.');
if (audio.proceed) {
// Compatibility
(function() {
var start = 'start',
stop = 'stop',
buffer = audio.context.createBufferSource();
if (typeof buffer.start !== 'function') {
start = 'noteOn';
audio.compatibility.start = start;
if (typeof buffer.stop !== 'function') {
stop = 'noteOff';
audio.compatibility.stop = stop;
// Setup Audio Files and Buttons
for (var a in audio.files) {
(function() {
var i = parseInt(a) + 1;
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open('GET', audio.files[i - 1], true); // array starts with 0 hence the -1
req.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
req.onload = function() {
function(buffer) {
audio.buffer[i] = buffer;
audio.source_loop[i] = {};
var button = document.getElementById('button-loop-' + i);
button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
function() {
console.log('Error decoding audio "' + audio.files[i - 1] + '".');