Plotting bar plot below xyplot with same x-axis?

2020-07-10 05:54发布


I am trying to plot different types of plots (line plot and bar charts) beneath one another, they all have the same axis:

c1 <- ggplot(data, aes(date, TotalMutObs)) + stat_smooth(se = FALSE) + 
            geom_point() + 
            opts(axis.title.x = theme_blank()) +
            ylab("Cumulative number of new mutations")   
c2 <- ggplot(data, aes(date, distance)) + stat_smooth(se = FALSE) + 
            geom_point() + 
            opts(axis.title.x = theme_blank()) + 
            ylab("Cumulative mean pairwise distance")   
c3 <- ggplot(data, aes(x = date, y = NbOfHorses)) + 
            geom_bar(stat = "identity") + 
            opts(axis.title.x = theme_blank()) + 
            ylab("Number of horses sampled")

grid.arrange(c1, c2,c3)

However, the dates on the x-axis are not lining up for the different plots.

Here is some data to try it out:






Cheers, Joseph


The way to solve this problem is to work within ggplot2 and get creative about stacking copies of your data and then sending subsets to each geom that you need.

#A version of your data cleaned up
dat <- data.frame(date = as.Date(date),NbOfHorses = as.numeric(NbOfHorses),
                TotalMutObs = as.numeric(TotalMutObs),distance = as.numeric(distance))

#Create three copies, one for each panel
# Use informative titles for grp to be panel titles    
fullDat <- rbind(dat,dat,dat)
fullDat$grp <- rep(c('Cumulative number of new mutations',
                        'Cumulative mean pairwise distance',
                        'Number of horses sampled'),each = nrow(dat))

ggplot(fullDat,aes(x = date)) + 
    facet_wrap(~grp,nrow = 3,scale = "free_y") + 
    geom_point(data = subset(fullDat,grp == 'Cumulative number of new mutations'),
        aes(y = TotalMutObs)) + 
    stat_smooth(data = subset(fullDat,grp == 'Cumulative number of new mutations'),
        aes(y = TotalMutObs),se = FALSE) + 
    geom_point(data = subset(fullDat,grp == 'Cumulative mean pairwise distance'),
        aes(y = distance)) + 
    stat_smooth(data = subset(fullDat,grp == 'Cumulative mean pairwise distance'),
        aes(y = distance),se = FALSE) + 
    geom_bar(data = subset(fullDat,grp == 'Number of horses sampled'),
        aes(y = NbOfHorses),stat = "identity") + 
    labs(x = NULL,y = NULL)

标签: r plot ggplot2