I would like to use markers in .wav files.
It seems to be supported by aifc
module with getmarkers()
: http://docs.python.org/2/library/aifc.html#aifc.aifc.getmarkers (for .aiff files), but not for wave
module (http://docs.python.org/2/library/wave.html?highlight=wave#wave.Wave_read.getmarkers).
How could we read markers of .wav files ?
Edit: here is an updated version of scipy.io.wavfile
that adds many things (24 bit .wav files support for read/write, cue markers, cue markers labels, and some other metadata like pitch (if defined), etc.):
wavfile.py (enhanced)
Feel free to share it!
I finally found a solution (it uses some function of scipy.io.wavfile) :
def readmarkers(file, mmap=False):
if hasattr(file,'read'):
fid = file
fid = open(file, 'rb')
fsize = _read_riff_chunk(fid)
cue = []
while (fid.tell() < fsize):
chunk_id = fid.read(4)
if chunk_id == b'cue ':
size, numcue = struct.unpack('<ii',fid.read(8))
for c in range(numcue):
id, position, datachunkid, chunkstart, blockstart, sampleoffset = struct.unpack('<iiiiii',fid.read(24))
return cue
Feel free to add it into Scipy's wavfile.py
if someone is interested.
it is in wave.Wave_read modules, called Wave_read.getmarkers()
see the docs for detail: