I know there are other questions like this but I think my problem is with how I'm accessing firebase and not an outlet because my error is in an @IBAction function that is able to be called before the error happens.
@IBAction func sign_in_out_tapped(sender : UIButton) {
if let op_user = user {
if (op_user.user_ref?.valueForKey("current_status"))! as! String == "OUT" {
let sign_in_time = NSDate()
op_user.user_ref?.childByAppendingPath("logins").updateChildValues([String(op_user.user_ref?.valueForKey("num_of_logins")! as! Int + 1): ["sign_in_time": sign_in_time]])
signinout = SignInOutModel(sign_in_time: sign_in_time)
op_user.user_ref?.updateChildValues(["current_status": "IN"])
} else {
signinout!.sign_out_time = NSDate()
op_user.user_ref?.childByAppendingPath("logins").childByAppendingPath(String(user?.user_ref?.valueForKey("num_of_logins"))).updateChildValues(["sign_out_time": signinout!.sign_out_time!])
signinout!.duration = (op_user.user_ref?.childByAppendingPath("logins").childByAppendingPath(String(user?.user_ref?.valueForKey("num_of_logins"))).valueForKey("sign_in_time")?.timeIntervalSinceNow)!
op_user.user_ref?.childByAppendingPath("logins").childByAppendingPath(String(user?.user_ref?.valueForKey("num_of_logins"))).updateChildValues(["duration": signinout!.duration])
op_user.user_ref?.updateChildValues(["total_hours": (Double((op_user.user_ref?.valueForKey("total_hours"))! as! NSNumber) + signinout!.duration)])
} else {
let sign_in_alert = UIAlertController(title: "Sign in.", message: "What is your first and last name?", preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
sign_in_alert.addTextFieldWithConfigurationHandler { textField in
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(MainViewController.handleTextFieldTextDidChangeNotification(_:)), name: UITextFieldTextDidChangeNotification, object: textField)
func removeTextFieldObserver() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().removeObserver(self, name: UITextFieldTextDidChangeNotification, object: sign_in_alert.textFields![0])
let cancel_action = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .Cancel) { action in
print("Sign In Cancel Button Pressed")
let save_action = UIAlertAction(title: "Save", style: .Default) { action in
print("Sign Out Save Button Pressed")
let textField = sign_in_alert.textFields![0] as UITextField
if let user_name = textField.text {
var not_found = false
self.students_ref.childByAppendingPath(user_name).observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
if (snapshot.value is NSNull) {
not_found = true
} else {
self.user = User(user_name: user_name)
self.user?.user_ref = self.students_ref.childByAppendingPath(user_name)
if !not_found {
self.mentors_ref.childByAppendingPath(user_name).observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
if (snapshot.value is NSNull) {
not_found = true
} else {
self.user = User(user_name: user_name)
self.user?.user_ref = self.mentors_ref.childByAppendingPath(user_name)
} else {
self.error_message("User not found. Please update Firebase.")
} else {
self.error_message("Could not sign in.")
save_action.enabled = false
AddAlertSaveAction = save_action
self.presentViewController(sign_in_alert, animated: true, completion: nil)
if let _ = user {
let sign_in_time = NSDate()
signinout = SignInOutModel(sign_in_time: sign_in_time)
I believe the error is at the top where it says "op_user.user_ref?.valueForKey("current_status"))! as String == "OUT"" because not only does the error say,
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[<Firebase 0x7fa12e0b5530> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key current_status.'
but when going through the debugger, the program didn't terminate until "valueForKey("current_status")".
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
EDIT: My firebase:
"mentors" : {
"Ash Dreyer" : {
"current_status" : "IN",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
"Donald Pinckney" : {
"current_status" : "OUT",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
"Jasmine Zhou" : {
"current_status" : "OUT",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
"Michael Corsetto" : {
"current_status" : "OUT",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
"students" : {
"Bryton Moeller" : {
"current_status" : "OUT",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
"Kelly Ostrom" : {
"current_status" : "OUT",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
"Kyle Stachowicz" : {
"current_status" : "OUT",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
"Wesley Aptekar-Cassels" : {
"current_status" : "OUT",
"num_of_logins" : 0,
"total_hours" : 0
The goal of my project is to create a sign in/out app. My mentor wants others to be able to see if someone is signed in or not and wants to track how long in total someone has been signed in (like if they have reached 100 hours at the shop or something.)