I'm trying to solve tic-tac-toe with a simple minimax algorithm. Simple, but should cover a lot of the language. What I have so far:
The board is represented as an array of 9 (unbound) variables, that are either set to x
or o
The win condition is then basically: win(Player, [X1,X2,X3|_]) :- X1==Player,X2==Player,X3==Player.
etc for all eight variants. draw is just a simple check whether all variables are bound.
The move clauses are also simple: move(Player, [X|_], 0, 0) :- var(X), X=Player.
, again for all possible positions (I'll leave code reuse open for a later program :) ).
Now I can generate all possible moves by simple backtracking: move(Player, Board, X, Y).
which should basically be all what I need for minimax (obviously a simple utility function that returns 1 if the computer wins, 0 in case of a draw and -1 if the human wins, that's easy). I just have no idea how to implement it and all examples I find on the net are rather complicated and not well explained.
Note I'm fine with n^2 or worse runtime behavior - it's really not about efficiency. And yes I do know how to write minimax in lisp, python, java - just no idea how to "port" that code to prolog.