Hooking IDbInterceptor to EntityFramework DbContex

2020-07-09 08:01发布


The IDbCommandInterceptor interface is not very well documented. And I've only found a few scarce tutorials on it:

  • http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/entityframework6/database-command-interception.aspx
  • https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj556606%28v=vs.113%29.aspx
  • https://entityframework.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Interception
  • https://www.tutorialspoint.com/entity_framework/entity_framework_command_interception.htm
  • https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/dn469464%28v=vs.113%29.aspx

And a few SO questions:

  • Entity Framework 6 - Timing queries
  • Getting DbContext from implementation of IDbCommandInterceptor

These are the suggestions on hooking I've found:

1 - The static DbInterception class:

DbInterception.Add(new MyCommandInterceptor());

2 - Doing the above suggestion in a DbConfiguration class

public class MyDBConfiguration : DbConfiguration {
    public MyDBConfiguration() {
        DbInterception.Add(new MyCommandInterceptor());

3 - Using the config file:

    <interceptor type="EFInterceptDemo.MyCommandInterceptor, EFInterceptDemo"/>

Although I couldn't figure out how to hook the DbConfiguration class to the DbContext, and neither what to put in the type part of the config method. Another example I found seemed to suggest that you write the namespace of a logger:

type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.Interception.DatabaseLogger, EntityFramework"

I noted that DataBaseLogger implements IDisposable, IDbConfigurationInterceptor and
IDbInterceptor. IDbCommandInterceptor also implements IDbInterceptor, so I tried (without success) to format it like this:

type="DataLayer.Logging.MyCommandInterceptor, DataLayer"

And when I called the static DbInterception class directly, it added another interceptor every call. So my quick and dirty solution was to utilize static constructors:

//This partial class is a seperate file from the Entity Framework auto-generated class,
//to allow dynamic connection strings
public partial class MyDbContext // : DbContext
    public Guid RequestGUID { get; private set; }

    public MyDbContext(string nameOrConnectionString) : base(nameOrConnectionString)

        RequestGUID = Guid.NewGuid();
        //Database.Log = m => System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(m);

    private static class DbContextListeningInitializer
        static DbContextListeningInitializer() //Threadsafe
            DbInterception.Add(new MyCommandInterceptor());
        //When this method is called, the static ctor is called the first time only
        internal static void EnsureListenersAdded() { }

But what are the proper/intended ways to do it?


I figured out that my DbContext class just needed to have the DbConfigurationType attribute, to attach a configuration at runtime:

public partial class MyDbContext // : DbContext
    public MyDbContext(string nameOrConnectionString) : base(nameOrConnectionString)
    { }

public class MyDBConfiguration : DbConfiguration {
    public MyDBConfiguration() {
        this.AddInterceptor(new MyCommandInterceptor());


The docs suggests that you can just put it in Application_Start:

protected void Application_Start()
    DbInterception.Add(new SchoolInterceptorTransientErrors());
    DbInterception.Add(new SchoolInterceptorLogging());

The important part is that it only get's called once.