I'm using Angular's ui-router on my application to try and route to child views of a main view. Both the main and the child have their own associated IDs. Currently I can navigate to the parent, but my link to the child is not working.
In my Application.js
//Working Route
.state('Project', {
url: '/Project/{projectId}',
views: {
"ContentMain" : {
templateUrl: "/Scripts/Dashboard/templates/MainContent/ProjectMainContent.html",
controller: function ($stateParams) {
console.log("Project state hit!");
//Non-Working Route
.state('Project.ViewResource', {
url: '/Resource/:resourceId',
parent: 'Project',
views: {
"ContentMain" : {
templateUrl: "/Scripts/Dashboard/templates/MainContent/ProjectResourceViewContent.html"
controller: function ($stateParams) {
console.log("Project.ViewResource state hit!");
In my HTML:
<!-- Working Link-->
<a ui-sref="Project({ projectId: 5 })"><h3> My Projects </h3></a>
<!-- Non-working Links -->
<a ui-sref="Project.ViewResource({ projectId: 5, resourceId: 3 })">View Project Resource. </a>
<a ui-sref="Project.ViewResource({ resourceId: 3})">I'm a Resource Image. </a>
The first link works, however when I click either of the "non-working" child links my browser updates to: "Home/Index/#/Project/5/Resource/3" which is the desired route, however the page content
Any idea where I'm going wrong?
Edit1: To add the lines of code in the 'views' object which should be swapping out.
Edit2: To further demonstrate the issue, I've added the controller code blocks. When I hit the first html link, my console outputs "Project state hit!" When I click either of the non-working links, there is no new output to the console. Ie, the route is likely not being hit.