How to get HTML5 video URI in HTML5VFullScreen$Sur

2020-07-08 06:22发布


I am trying to get a HTML5 video URI when the user clicks the fullscreen button in the video control bar. According to this, the HTML5 video view in Android 4.0 is a SurfaceView, not a VideoView.

Could someone tell me how to get the URI in SurfaceVideoView? This is my code. Thanks a lot.

webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient(){
  public void onShowCustomView(View view, CustomViewCallback callback) {
    super.onShowCustomView(view, callback);
    if (view instanceof FrameLayout){
      final FrameLayout frame = (FrameLayout) view;
      if (frame.getFocusedChild() instanceof SurfaceView){
        SurfaceView video= (SurfaceView) frame.getFocusedChild();


Easy, using reflection. Put this inside of the onShowCustomView() method: mUri = null;

    Class _VideoSurfaceView_Class_ = Class.forName("android.webkit.HTML5VideoFullScreen$VideoSurfaceView");

    java.lang.reflect.Field _HTML5VideoFullScreen_Field_ = _VideoSurfaceView_Class_.getDeclaredField("this$0");


    Object _HTML5VideoFullScreen_Instance_ = _HTML5VideoFullScreen_Field_.get(((FrameLayout) view).getFocusedChild());

    Class _HTML5VideoView_Class_ = _HTML5VideoFullScreen_Field_.getType().getSuperclass();

    java.lang.reflect.Field _mUri_Field_ = _HTML5VideoView_Class_.getDeclaredField("mUri");


    mUri =  (Uri) _mUri_Field_.get(_HTML5VideoFullScreen_Instance_);
catch (Exception ex)

if (mUri != null)
    // There you have, mUri is the URI of the video