Laravel4 unable to create a directory although I gave correct permissions.
FileException error happened,
I tried lots of permissions..
- sudo chmod -R 777 storage
- sudo chmod -R 707 storage
- sudo chmod -R o+rwx storage
and I even restarted Apache server.
I have been googling 24 hours or so, and still can't figure out..
Here are the routes and view files.
// routes.php
Route::post('handle-form', function()
$name = Input::file('book')->getClientOriginalName();
Input::file('book')->move('/storage/directory', $name);
return 'File was moved.';
// form2.blade.php
<form action="{{ url('handle-form') }}"
<input type="file" name="book" />
<input type="submit">
Currently what I did to the routes.php by following your help,
Route::post('handle-form', function()
$name = Input::file('book')->getClientOriginalName();
Input::file('book')->move(public_path().'/storage/directory', $name);
return 'File was moved.';
and the permission I gave was sudo chmod -R 777 storage
This is what you can do to make it work:
Create a directory in your public folder, or any other place:
mkdir -p /var/www/your-site-path/public/storage/directory
Make it writable by your webserver
sudo chmod 770 /var/www/your-site-path/public/storage/directory
sudo chown username:www-data /var/www/your-site-path/public/storage/directory
sudo chown dongju:httpd /var/www/your-site-path/public/storage/directory
Tell Laravel to write the file to that folder this way:
$name = Input::file('book')->getClientOriginalName();
Input::file('book')->move(public_path().'/storage/directory', $name);
Using this method I create here those two routes and it worked for me:
Route::get('form', function() {
Form::open(array('url' => 'http://your-dev-server-address/upload', 'files' => true)) .
Form::file('book', $attributes = array()) .
Form::submit('submit') .
Route::post('upload', function() {
Input::file('book')->move(public_path().'/storage/directory', Input::file('book')->getClientOriginalName());
The first one /form
will show you a file upload form and the second one /upload
will get the file and save it to the correct path.
In my case, the problem was that I was using an environment variable which was not available at the time of making call so All I had to do was to change the variable I was using.
In short please check the path you are specifying.