How to get days difference in twig

2020-07-07 04:03发布


  • how to get days diffrence from current day.

  • tweetedAt: "2015-02-22 09:56:42".


{% for key,value in data.about %}
{% set tweets_date=(value.tweetedAt|date).date("now").format('%a') %}
{% endfor %}

I have also tried

{% set dd='now'|date('d-m-Y') %}
{% set tweets_date=(value.tweetedAt|date).dd.format('%a') %}

Finally I tried but its giving error:

A hash key must be a quoted string, a number, a name, or an expression enclosed in parentheses (unexpected token "punctuation" of value "{"

{% set difference = {{ date("m/d/Y") }}.diff(date(value.tweetedAt)) %}
{% set leftDays = difference.days %}


<span class="small light_grey">{{tweets_date}}</span>

Impossible to invoke a method ("date") on a string variable ("June 6, 2015 01:06") in AcmeBundle
  • how to get diffrence from tweet_date in days ago form.

Updated my project installing twig/extensions via composer

user@intermsh-OptiPlex-380:~$ composer require twig/extensions
Warning: This development build of composer is over 30 days old. It is recommended to update it by running "/usr/local/bin/composer self-update" to get the latest version.
Using version ~1.2 for twig/extensions
./composer.json has been updated
   Loading composer repositories with package information
   Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
   - Installing twig/twig (v1.18.2)
   Downloading: 100%         

   - Installing twig/extensions (v1.2.0)
   Downloading: 100%         
   Downloading: 100%         

twig/extensions suggests installing symfony/translation (Allow the time_diff output to be translated)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files


I tried this code and it works.

{% set difference = date(value.tweetedAt|date('Y/m/d')).diff(date('now'|date('Y/m/d'))) %}
{% set leftDays = difference.days %}


You need use filters not methods on your objects. And you need to use time_diff filter:

{%set tweets_date=value.tweetedAt|time_diff %}

To make it work you need first install twig-extensions via composer:

composer require twig/extensions

and then include it in service container with appropriate tag:

        class:        Twig_Extensions_Extension_Date
             - { name: 'twig.extension' }


If the date comes from an entity, you can just:

{{ entity.days }}

And in your entity just implement:

public function getDays()
    return $this->date->diff(new DateTime)->format('%a');