
You are not a sandbox user of this client. Error C

2020-07-06 12:24发布


In my codeigniter project I am trying to use Instagram API for log in.

This is the library which I am using.

But when going to the login page, it is showing error

{"code": 403, "error_type": "OAuthForbiddenException", "error_message": "You are not a sandbox user of this client"}

The sample url is

https://www.instagram.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=[client ID]&redirect_uri=[your url]&response_type=code

Why it is working like this? Any help could be appreciated


As per this error:

{"code": 403, "error_type": "OAuthForbiddenException", "error_message": "You are not a sandbox user of this client"}

First of all you need to create Sandbox User:


Login your account from here "http://instagram.com/developer" and than click on Manage Clients for creating New Client, make sure status of client is Sandbox.


Fill all required fields and set OAuth redirect_uri field to "http://localhost" without using quotes. also unchecked Disable implicit OAuth

Step 3:

Now you can see the client id on Client Detail box, now you just need to generate Access Token for access API, you can use this URL:


You can check the status of Client from here:

Reference: http://jelled.com/instagram/access-token


In such error case:

{"code": 403, "error_type": "OAuthForbiddenException", "error_message": "You are not a sandbox user of this client"}

You need to add that Instagram user to Sandbox Users:


Go https://www.instagram.com/developer/clients/manage/

Press Manage.

Press Sandbox.


Type Instagram ID of user you getting that error add and press Save. You will see pending in front of user you added.

Step 3:

Now you need to accept invitation. Login into that Instagram account on the https://www.instagram.com.

Go to https://www.instagram.com/developer/clients/sandbox_invites/

Press Accept.

Done! Now should work.


In addition to the already provided answers:

Check the account you're logged in on Instagram

You cannot be logged in to account A and request a token for account B.

This is a simple answer, but I just spent 15 minutes figuring this out, because I'm logged in to different accounts under different Chrome windows.