I had got a task to select search the students those name start with param value and city in the selected value.How can i set in ruby on rails? i did like this but this is not working controller
def list
puts studentcount
@studentname = Student.where("name name1 AND city = :cityId1",
{:name1 => params[:name], :cityId1 => params[:cityId]})
puts 'studentname'
puts @studentname.inspect
@students = Student.limit(params[:jtPageSize]).offset(params[:jtStartIndex]).order(params[:jtSorting])
@jtable = {'Result' => 'OK','Records' => @students.map(&:attributes), :TotalRecordCount => studentcount}
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.erb
format.json { render :json => @jtable}