Ok, so you can get a single value by dictionary[key]
or all values by dictionary.Values
What I am looking for is a way to get all values for a given key set like so:
List<string> keys;
Dictionary<string, object> dictionary;
List<object> valuesForKeys = GetValuesFromDictionaryUsingKeys(dictionary, keys);
private List<object> GetValuesFromDictionaryUsingKeys(Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, List<string> keys)
//your code here
Of course I could iterate manually over the keylist and use dictionary[key]
each time and add all the values back to a list again, but I would like to use some more elegant way (e.g. Linq).
Try keys.Where(k => dictionary.ContainsKey(k)).Select(k => dictionary[k])
Why write function when you can have generic extension method for everyday use?
public static IEnumerable<V> GetValues<K, V>(this IDictionary<K, V> dict, IEnumerable<K> keys)
return keys.Select((x) => dict[x]);
Than you can write:
var valuesForKeys = dictionary.GetValues(keys).ToList();
private List<object> GetValuesFromDictionaryUsingKeys(Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, List<string> keys)
List<object> nList = new List<object>();
foreach (string sKey in keys)
if (dictionary.ContainsKey(sKey))
return nList;
List<object> valuesForKeys = keys.Intersect( dictionary.Keys )
.Select( k => dictionary[k] )
or as requested:
private List<object> GetValuesFromDictionaryUsingKeys( Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, List<string> keys )
// My code here
return keys.Intersect( dictionary.Keys )
.Select( k => dictionary[k] )
Use .Intersect to remove keys not present in the dictionary, it´s faster than a .Where(k => dictionary.ContainsKey(k))
Remove the .Intersect instruction to allow raising an exception for a key not found in the dictionary.
Rawling answer works flawlessly, but if you know beforehand the keys exist on the dictionary, this may be more clear and efficient:
keys.Select(k => dictionary[k])