YII how to handle custom 404 error page along with

2020-07-06 03:39发布


I want to display 404 error page for that i have made error404.php file in my protected/view/system folder.

By default i have Sitecontroller and it contained error action function as below

public function actionError()

            echo $error['message'];
            $this->render('error', $error);

inside main config file it is defined as

        // use 'site/error' action to display errors

my problem is i need to customize 404 page only, rest of the error i need to handle the way it is being handle by sitecontroller's error function. But i could not find a way to do that. If suppose i remove 'errorAction'=>'site/error', from the config main then it does show the 404 error by calling

        throw new CHttpException(404, 'Page not found');

but doing that i can only see the page without layout also other custom errors are treated same as 404 while they are not. I read the manual many times but i still cant able to resolve it.


Use this code for actionError:

$app = Yii::app();
if( $error = $app->errorHandler->error->code )
    if( $app->request->isAjaxRequest )
        echo $error['message'];
        $this->render( 'error' . ( $this->getViewFile( 'error' . $error ) ? $error : '' ), $error );

In views/site create error404.php for 404 errors and error.php for the rest.

Or you can define param in the config for errors you like to handle differently and check error code against it:

$app = Yii::app();
if( $error = $app->errorHandler->error->code )
    if( Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest )
        echo $error['message'];
        $this->render( 'error' . ( in_array( $error, $app->params[ 'customErrorPages' ] ) ? $error : '' ), $error );

Error handler works like this: when httpexception arise, component will check if there is any value in errorAction property and if there is any, will run this controller's action. If there is no set value to the errorAction property, will display error view from system folder. So there is no need to mix error views from system view folder and controller's view folder.


Whenever errors occur, the action error in siteController is called. you can customize the error route in that action, you can do something like this:

     //go to custome error page
   //code default error.php


Can't you do this with .htaccess? Personally I create an "errors" folder with all the html php files that holds the error messages and modify .htaccess to call those pages while coming across the error.





Create a .htaccess file in the directory you want the error pages to be called and in the text file, write the following line:

ErrorDocument 404     /404.html

assuming there is a page called 404.html in the same directory, when a 404 page not found error is genrated, the 404.html page will be called.

The same works with other error codes:

ErrorDocument 500     /500error.html

assuming a 500 error was created and a 500error.html file exists in the same directory.


In the latest versions of the framework (I am working with 1.14) use:


because error is an array.