Context Path with Webflux

2020-07-06 02:45发布


I've been trying to find a way to set the context path for a webflux application. I know I can configure it using


if I deploy a servlet, but I would like to achieve it with webflux, without having to explicitly add the path to every route or use MVC.


You can use web filter to make WebFlux support contextPath

public WebFilter contextPathWebFilter() {
    String contextPath = serverProperties.getServlet().getContextPath();
    return (exchange, chain) -> {
        ServerHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest();
        if (request.getURI().getPath().startsWith(contextPath)) {
            return chain.filter(
        return chain.filter(exchange);


According to this

There is servlet in the name of the property which should be a hint that won't work with webflux.

With springboot v2.3, you can put this in your properties file


release-notes reference:


For Undertow I managed to add a context path by creating a customized UndertowReactiveWebServerFactory:

public UndertowReactiveWebServerFactory undertowReactiveWebServerFactory(
        @Value("${server.servlet.context-path}") String contextPath) {
    return new UndertowReactiveWebServerFactory() {
        public WebServer getWebServer(HttpHandler httpHandler) {
            Map<String, HttpHandler> handlerMap = new HashMap<>();
            handlerMap.put(contextPath, httpHandler);
            return super.getWebServer(new ContextPathCompositeHandler(handlerMap));


Here's my way of doing it with Tomcat Reactive:

public class TomcatReactiveWebServerConfig extends TomcatReactiveWebServerFactory {

    private String contextPath;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected void configureContext(final Context context) {


        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(this.contextPath)) {


If you are configuring yourself the server (if you’re not using Spring Boot), you can setup a ContextPathCompositeHandler that wraps several handlers itself.

If you are using Spring Boot, this feature is not supported currently.


I was having the same issue since the loader balancer bases on the context path to route to different back end apps. One way to get around Spring Boot Webflux w/ the context path is using variables in the @XXXXMapping annotations. For instance @RequestMapping(value = "${server.servlet.context-path}/subpath")


For use cases where WebFlux application is behind load balancer/proxy you can use dedicated class - ForwardedHeaderTransformer that will extract path context from X-Forwarded-Prefix and will add it to ServerHttpRequest.

Doing so you won't need to modify global context-path (which does not make sense in WebFlux)

More about it here:


Here is an example of configuring the context path for WebFlux using Netty server based on a comment by @Dmytro Boichenko. You can also include customizers to configure the port and other properties.

public class NettyServerConfig {

    private int port;

    private String contextPath;

    public NettyReactiveWebServerFactory nettyReactiveWebServerFactory() {
            NettyReactiveWebServerFactory webServerFactory = new NettyReactiveWebServerFactory() {
                public WebServer getWebServer(HttpHandler httpHandler) {
                    Map<String, HttpHandler> handlerMap = new HashMap<>();
                    handlerMap.put(contextPath, httpHandler);
                    return super.getWebServer(new ContextPathCompositeHandler(handlerMap));
        return webServerFactory;

    public NettyServerCustomizer portCustomizer() {
        return new NettyServerCustomizer() {
            public HttpServer apply(HttpServer httpServer) {
                return httpServer.port(port);


You can use web Filter, as mentioned in above answers, but you can do one more thing. Write a Base Controller and Extend every class to that Base Controller. For example:


public abstract class BaseController {

public class NewController extends BaseController{
  DatabaseClient databaseClient;

  public Mono<Map<String, String>> status() {
    return databaseClient.execute("SELECT 'ok'").
      map(row -> singletonMap("status", row.get(0, String.class)))

So now you can hit /{base_url}/status