What are fast and reliable ways for converting a PDF into a (single) JPEG using the command line on Linux?
You can try ImageMagick's convert
On Ubuntu, you can install it with this command:
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
Use convert
like this:
$ convert input.pdf output.jpg
For the life of me, over the last 5 years, I cannot get imagemagick to work consistently (if at all) for me, and I don't know why people continually recommend it again and again. I just googled how to convert a PDF to a JPEG today, found this answer, and tried convert
, and it doesn't work at all for me:
$ convert in.pdf out.jpg convert-im6.q16: not authorized `in.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412. convert-im6.q16: no images defined `out.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3258.
Then, I remembered there was another tool I use and wrote about, so I googled "linux convert pdf to jpg Gabriel Staples", clicked the first hit, and scrolled down to my answer. Here's what works perfectly for me:
[Produces ~1MB-sized files per pg] Output in .jpg format at 300 DPI:
mkdir -p images && pdftoppm -jpeg -r 300 mypdf.pdf images/pg
[Produces ~2MB-sized files per pg] Output in .jpg format at highest quality (least compression) and still at 300 DPI:
mkdir -p images && pdftoppm -jpeg -jpegopt quality=100 -r 300 mypdf.pdf images/pg
If you need more resolution, you can try 600 DPI:
mkdir -p images && pdftoppm -jpeg -r 600 mypdf.pdf images/pg
...or 1200 DPI:
mkdir -p images && pdftoppm -jpeg -r 1200 mypdf.pdf images/pg
See the references below for more details and options.
- Convert PDF to image with high resolution
- https://askubuntu.com/questions/150100/extracting-embedded-images-from-a-pdf/1187844#1187844
Convert from imagemagick
seems do a good job:
convert file.pdf test.jpg
and in case multiple files were generated:
convert test-0.jpg --append test-1.jpg ... --append one.jpg
to generate a single file, where all pages are concatenated.
libvips can convert PDF -> JPEG quickly. It comes with most linux distributions, it's in homebrew on macos, and you can download a windows binary from the libvips site.
This will render the PDF to a JPG at the default DPI (72):
vips copy somefile.pdf somefile.jpg
You can use the dpi option to set some other rendering resolution, eg.:
vips copy somefile.pdf[dpi=600] somefile.jpg
You can pick out pages like this:
vips copy somefile.pdf[dpi=600,page=12] somefile.jpg
With this benchmark image, I see:
$ /usr/bin/time -f %e vips copy r8.pdf[page=3,dpi=300] x.jpg
And with ImageMagick it's:
$ /usr/bin/time -f %e convert -density 300 r8.pdf[3] x.jpg
So libvips is about 4x faster (on this test).