The color seems to be linked to the foreground in themes. I assume it's using less alpha. Is there a way to control this?
There's now a Sublime plugin for this.
Install the HighlightWhitespaces plugin
Add the following color settings (tailored to your preference) to your color_scheme file. This file ends in
and the path can be found by looking at the value for the key "color_scheme" in your settings file.<dict> <key>name</key> <string>highlight.whitespace</string> <key>scope</key> <string>highlight.whitespace</string> <key>settings</key> <dict> <key>background</key> <string>#020202</string> <key>foreground</key> <string>#805050</string> </dict> </dict>
Specify that this color should be used by adding the following to the user settings of the HighlightWhitespaces plugin:
{ "highlight_whitespaces_space_highlight_scope_name": "highlight.whitespace", "highlight_whitespaces_tab_highlight_scope_name": "highlight.whitespace", "highlight_whitespaces_eol_highlight_scope_name": "highlight.whitespace", "highlight_whitespaces_mixed_highlight_scope_name": "highlight.whitespace" }
Relax and enjoy :-)
You may want to try installing PersistentRegexHighlight from Package Control and then use a blank-character regex like [\x20 ]
to add a specific color or color scope.
You'd want to combine this with drawWhiteSpace: "all",
in Sublime user prefs.
You can change the tab underline alpha by changing the foreground alpha.
To change the color of spaces requires changes to every syntax file.
A few years later, I was struggling with this in Sublime Text 3 build 3083. I hope this helps anyone. In addition to Chris Like's suggestion to install PersistentRegexHighlight and setting "draw_white_space": "all"
in the user preferences and the pattern to one or more occurances of tabs and spaces, i.e. [ \t]+
in the PersistentRegexHighlight user settings, i had to also also set "color_scope": "highlight.whitespace"
and add the following dict to the theme along with the other ones in the settings array:
which by the way oddly only outlines in red if the background is set to black, i.e #000000
Note that this method does not require editing any syntax files.