I was going through a book that explain how to override 'default' lifecycle of Maven.
It says: To define a new lifecycle for a packaging type, you'll need to configure a LifecycleMapping component in Plexus. In your plugin project, create a META-INF/plexus/components.xml under src/main/resources. In components.xml add the content as shown below, and you're done. With below configuration, I'm able to customize the default lifecycle for 'jar' packaging type. Now If I exeute
$ mvn package
It straigh away executes 'package' phase skipping all other phases of default lifecycle and executes 'echo' goal of 'maven-zip-plugin'.
My question is: How can I customize 'clean' lifecycle. For example, assume when some one types
$ mvn clean
Instead of running clean:clean that will execute 'clean' goal of 'maven-clean-plugin' plugin, I wanted to execute 'customClean' goal of 'customPlugin'.