I have a custom HTTP request handler that can be simplified to something like this:
# Python 3:
from http import server
class MyHandler(server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
# Here's where all the complicated logic is done to generate HTML.
# For clarity here, replace with a simple stand-in:
html = "<html><p>hello world</p></html>"
I'd like to unit-test this handler (i.e. make sure that my do_GET
executes without an exception) without actually starting a web server. Is there any lightweight way to mock the SimpleHTTPServer
so that I can test this code?
Here's one approach I came up with to mock the server. Note that this should be compatible with both Python 2 and python 3. The only issue is that I can't find a way to access the result of the GET
request, but at least the test will catch any exceptions it comes across!
# Python 2.x
import BaseHTTPServer as server
from StringIO import StringIO as IO
except ImportError:
# Python 3.x
from http import server
from io import BytesIO as IO
class MyHandler(server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
"""Custom handler to be tested"""
def do_GET(self):
# print just to confirm that this method is being called
print("executing do_GET") # just to confirm...
self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
# Here's where all the complicated logic is done to generate HTML.
# For clarity here, replace with a simple stand-in:
html = "<html><p>hello world</p></html>"
def test_handler():
"""Test the custom HTTP request handler by mocking a server"""
class MockRequest(object):
def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs):
return IO(b"GET /")
class MockServer(object):
def __init__(self, ip_port, Handler):
handler = Handler(MockRequest(), ip_port, self)
# The GET request will be sent here
# and any exceptions will be propagated through.
server = MockServer(('', 8888), MyHandler)
Expanding on the answer from jakevdp, I managed to be able to check the output, too:
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest
from io import BytesIO as IO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO as IO
from server import MyHandlerSSL # My BaseHTTPRequestHandler child
class TestableHandler(MyHandlerSSL):
# On Python3, in socketserver.StreamRequestHandler, if this is
# set it will use makefile() to produce the output stream. Otherwise,
# it will use socketserver._SocketWriter, and we won't be able to get
# to the data
wbufsize = 1
def finish(self):
# Do not close self.wfile, so we can read its value
def date_time_string(self, timestamp=None):
""" Mocked date time string """
return 'DATETIME'
def version_string(self):
""" mock the server id """
return 'BaseHTTP/x.x Python/x.x.x'
class MockSocket(object):
def getsockname(self):
return ('sockname',)
class MockRequest(object):
_sock = MockSocket()
def __init__(self, path):
self._path = path
def makefile(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args[0] == 'rb':
return IO(b"GET %s HTTP/1.0" % self._path)
elif args[0] == 'wb':
return IO(b'')
raise ValueError("Unknown file type to make", args, kwargs)
class HTTPRequestHandlerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = None
def _test(self, request):
handler = TestableHandler(request, (0, 0), None)
return handler.wfile.getvalue()
def test_unauthenticated(self):
b"""HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized\r
Server: BaseHTTP/x.x Python/x.x.x\r
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="MyRealm", charset="UTF-8"\r
Content-type: text/html\r
<html><head><title>Authentication Failed</title></html><body><h1>Authentication Failed</h1><p>Authentication Failed. Authorised Personnel Only.</p></body></html>"""
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
The code I am testing returns a 401 Unauthorised for "/". Change the response as appopriate for your test case.
So this is a little tricky depending on how "deep" you want to go into the BaseHTTPRequestHandler
behavior to define your unit test. At the most basic level I think you can use this example from the mock
>>> from mock import MagicMock
>>> thing = ProductionClass()
>>> thing.method = MagicMock(return_value=3)
>>> thing.method(3, 4, 5, key='value')
>>> thing.method.assert_called_with(3, 4, 5, key='value')
So if you know which methods in the BaseHTTPRequestHandler
your class is going to call you could mock the results of those methods to be something acceptable. This can of course get pretty complex depending on how many different types of server responses you want to test.