All of the following work:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type family TF a
type instance TF Int = String
type instance TF Bool = Char
data family DF a
data instance DF Int = DFInt String
data instance DF Bool = DFBool Char
type family CTF a where
CTF Int = String
CTF Bool = Char
CTF a = Double -- Overlap OK!
...but this doesn't (as of GHC-8.2):
data family CDF a where
CDF Int = CDFInt String
CDF Bool = CDFBool Char
CDF a = CDFOther Double
wtmpf-file24527.hs:16:19: error: parse error on input ‘where’
16 | data family CDF a where
| ^^^^^
Is it just that nobody has bothered to implement this yet, or is there a particular reason why it wouldn't make sense for data families to be closed? I have a data family where I'd rather like to keep the injectivity, but also the opportunity to make a disjoint catch-all instance. Right now, the only way I see to make this work is
newtype CDF' a = CDF' (CTF a)