What is the replacement for TestContext.DataRow[“M

2020-07-05 06:46发布


Using MSTest in a .Net Core Unit test project. I am attempting to use a csv datasource to provide the data for a test method.

Previously, I would use something like below in a .Net Framework test project:

[DataSource("Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.CSV", @"data.csv", "data#csv", DataAccessMethod.Sequential),
    public void ValuesController_Post()
        _valuesRepository.Verify(_ => _.Post(It.IsAny<string>()), Times.Once);

The key here being the DataRow property found in TestContext. This doesn't appear to exist in the .Net Core version of the TestContext.

How would I go about doing this in .Net Core?


Since moving to aspnet core, I've never been able to use the same [Datasource(...)] attribute to iterate through test data, my data-driven tests are always skipped.

Have you considered switching to another approach with [DataTestMethod] and [DynamicData] with a custom source that reads you file ?

Here's a good article on this :


Maybe another way would be to read the whole file at the begining of the test and then iterate through the dataset as One single unit test?

Hope this helps.