Is there a way to insert an image in a textbox? I'm working on a chat application. And I want to change the values ":)", ":(" etc. with icon images. But I couldn't find that how can I insert image in a textbox?
Is there a way to insert an image in a textbox? I'm working on a chat application. And I want to change the values ":)", ":(" etc. with icon images. But I couldn't find that how can I insert image in a textbox?
Use RichTextBox
Insert Plain Text and Images into RichTextBox at Runtime
Inserting images into a RichTextBox control (the OLE way)
If you are using RichTextBox for chat than look at Paste method
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap();
Clipboard.SetDataObject(bitmap );
DataFormats.Format format= DataFormats.GetFormat (DataFormats.Bitmap);