How do I drive an animation loop at 60fps with Dar

2019-01-23 03:51发布


How do I drive an animation loop or game loop at 60fps in a Dart web application?


Use window.animationFrame, the Future-based cousin of the traditional window.requestAnimationFrame.

Dart has been shifting to use Future and Stream as more object-oriented ways to handle asynchronous operations. The callback-based (old 'n busted) requestAnimationFrame is replaced by the Future-based (new hotness) animationFrame.

Here is a sample:

import 'dart:html';

gameLoop(num delta) {
  // do stuff

void main() {

The signature of animationFrame looks like:

Future<num> animationFrame();

Notice how animationFrame returns a Future that completes with a num, which holds a "high performance timer" similar to The num is a monotonically increasing delta between now and when the page started. It has microsecond resolution.

The Future completes right before the browser is about the draw the page. Update the state of your world and draw everything when this Future completes.

You must request a new Future from animationFrame on every frame, if you want the animation or loop to continue. In this example, gameLoop() registers to be notified on the next animation frame.

BTW there is a pub package named game_loop, which you might find useful.