I know this is probably dead simple, but I've got some data such as this in one file:
Green Globe, Imperial Star, Violetto
24" deep
Beans, Lima
Bush Baby, Bush Lima, Fordhook, Fordhook 242
12" wide x 8-10" deep
that I'd like to be able to format into a nice TSV type of table, to look something like this:
Name | Varieties | Container Data
----------|------------- |-------
some data here nicely padded with even spacing and right aligned text
This is a reasonably full example that assumes the following
- Your list of products is contained in a file called veg.txt
- Your data is arranged across three lines per record with the fields on consecutive lines
I am a bit of a noob to rails so there are undoubtedly better and more elegant ways to do this
class Vegetable
@@max_name ||= 0
@@max_variety ||= 0
@@max_container ||= 0
attr_reader :name, :variety, :container
def initialize(name, variety, container)
@name = name
@variety = variety
@container = container
@@max_name = set_max(@name.length, @@max_name)
@@max_variety = set_max(@variety.length, @@max_variety)
@@max_container = set_max(@container.length, @@max_container)
def set_max(current, max)
current > max ? current : max
def self.max_name
def self.max_variety
def self.max_container()
products = []
File.open("veg.txt") do | file|
while name = file.gets
name = name.strip
variety = file.gets.to_s.strip
container = file.gets.to_s.strip
veg = Vegetable.new(name, variety, container)
products << veg
printf(format, "Name", "Variety", "Container")
printf(format, "----", "-------", "---------")
products.each do |p|
printf(format, p.name, p.variety, p.container)
The following sample file
Green Globe, Imperial Star, Violetto
24" deep
Beans, Lima
Bush Baby, Bush Lima, Fordhook, Fordhook 242
12" wide x 8-10" deep
King Edward, Desiree, Jersey Royal
36" wide x 8-10" deep
Produced the following output
Name Variety Container
---- ------- ---------
Artichoke Green Globe, Imperial Star, Violetto 24" deep
Beans, Lima Bush Baby, Bush Lima, Fordhook, Fordhook 242 12" wide x 8-10" deep
Potatoes King Edward, Desiree, Jersey Royal 36" wide x 8-10" deep
Try String#rjust(width)
"hello".rjust(20) #=> " hello"
I wrote a gem to do exactly this: http://tableprintgem.com
No one has mentioned the "coolest" / most compact way -- using the %
operator -- for example: "%10s %10s" % [1, 2]
. Here is some code:
xs = [
["This code", "is", "indeed"],
["very", "compact", "and"],
["I hope you will", "find", "it helpful!"],
m = xs.map { |_| _.length }
xs.each { |_| _.each_with_index { |e, i| s = e.size; m[i] = s if s > m[i] } }
xs.each { |x| puts m.map { |_| "%#{_}s" }.join(" " * 5) % x }
This code is indeed
very compact and
I hope you will find it helpful!
Here is the code made more readable:
max_lengths = xs.map { |_| _.length }
xs.each do |x|
x.each_with_index do |e, i|
s = e.size
max_lengths[i] = s if s > max_lengths[i]
xs.each do |x|
format = max_lengths.map { |_| "%#{_}s" }.join(" " * 5)
puts format % x
another gem: https://github.com/visionmedia/terminal-table
Terminal Table is a fast and simple, yet feature rich ASCII table generator written in Ruby.
I have a little function to print a 2D array as a table. Each row must have the same number of columns for this to work. It's also easy to tweak to your needs.
def print_table(table)
# Calculate widths
widths = []
c = 0
widths[c] = (widths[c] && widths[c] > col.length) ? widths[c] : col.length
c += 1
# Indent the last column left.
last = widths.pop()
format = widths.collect{|n| "%#{n}s"}.join(" ")
format += " %-#{last}s\n"
# Print each line.
printf format, *line
Kernel.sprintf should get you started.