The code below is just showing a Message Box on the screen.
The addresses are hardcoded to facilitate:
int main ()
asm("xorl %eax, %eax \n"
"xorl %ebx, %ebx \n"
"xorl %ecx, %ecx \n"
"xorl %edx, %edx \n"
"pushl %ecx \n" //$0x0
"pushl $0x20206c6c \n" //" ll"
"pushl $0x642e3233 \n" //"d.23"
"pushl $0x72657375 \n" //"resu"
"movl %esp, %ecx \n" //store "user32.dll" address in %ecx
"movl $0x7c801d7b, %ebx \n" //store address of LoadLibraryA in %ebx
"pushl %ecx \n"
"call *%ebx \n"
"movl $0xef30675e, %ecx \n"
"addl $0x11111111, %ecx \n"
"pushl %ecx \n"
"pushl $0x42656761 \n"
"pushl $0x7373654d \n"
"movl %esp, %ecx \n"
"pushl %ecx \n"
"pushl %eax \n"
"movl $0x7c80ae40, %ebx \n"
"call *%ebx \n"
"movl %esp, %ecx \n"
"xorl %edx, %edx \n"
"pushl %edx \n"
"pushl %ecx \n"
"pushl %ecx \n"
"pushl %edx \n"
"call *%eax \n"
"xorl %eax, %eax \n"
"pushl %eax \n"
"movl $0x7c81cb12, %eax \n"
"call *%eax \n"
(I didn't comment all the code because my question is not really about the code)
My question is: Is there a way to write the string "user32.dll" in assembly inline without pushing manually to the stack? I mean like this in NASM: db 'Hello'
I know that in AT&T syntax I could do .ascii 'Hello'
or .string 'Hello'
but how about in gcc inline?
Please note that I'm using Dev-C++ on Windows XP SP3