The WSDL file I used to create the CXF client has this element definition:
<xsd:element name="Rate">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal">
<xsd:totalDigits value="18" />
<xsd:fractionDigits value="2" />
However when I try to send the SOAP message, number of digits in after decimal point exceeds the maximum value. For example I get 2.48862 while expecting 2.48. In order to solve this I was planning to implement a XmlAdapter to marshall the values, however I cannot map the element in WSDL to the client because onyl class of XmlAdapter is passed to field decleration as annotation.
There seems to be no way to inform the XmlAdapter that field must have 2 digits after decimal point.
The number of fraction digits changes from element to element. I also don't have the access to change the WSDL.
Is there a way to format these elements while observing the number of decimal points specified in the WSDL?