I have a data frame with multiple columns. Now, I want to get rid of the row.names column (column 1), and thus I try to select all the other columns.
newdata <- olddata[,2:10]
is there a default symbol for the last column so I don't have to count all the columns?
I tried
newdata <- olddata[,2:]
but it didn't work.
I think it's better to focus on wanting to get rid of one column of data and not wanting to select every other column. You can do this as @Arun suggested:
olddata$ColNameToDelete <- NULL
You can get the last column with ncol()
newdata <- olddata[,2:ncol(olddata)]
To build on Freeman's answer, Tidyverse allows dots as replacement for the piped data object, which can be useful to simplify code with repetitive references to the object.
newdata <- olddata %>% select( 2:ncol(.) )
newdata <- olddata %>% .[,2:ncol(.)]